The Personal Data Protection Law prepared within the scope of compliance with the European Union came into force in our country on April 7, 2016. It has even become mandatory for most institutions and businesses. However, there are still unknowns about how this process will take place and be carried out.
Bilimp KVKK Tool developed by Bilimp for this process, which requires very good analysis and follow-up; The most comprehensive software developed to facilitate legal and technical processes and provide a sustainable structure for KVKK compliance in institutions and companies.
How to use Bilimp Personal Data Management tool, what ways to follow during use?
How does your institution become lawful thanks to the KVKK tool?
How can you carry out the trainings you need to give to your staff with Bilimp in this process?
We will answer the answers to these questions for you between 16:00 and 17:00 on Thursday, December 10th.
You can register by clicking on the link below for our training where bilimp "Personal Data Management" and "Education" tools will be explained: