The Bilimp Suggestion Management System has a wide usage potential from the retail sector to local governments. Lets take the retail industry, for example.
Unlike many other sectors in the retail sector, most of the employees work in the field. From the greengrocer to the delicatessen, all the employees of the department are on the move. In this fast pace, they have to manage the shelves, prices and campaigns in the best way possible. Of course, most importantly, they are responsible for satisfying the customer. They help the customer, inform, listen to their requests and complaints.
Here, the Bilimp Suggestion Management System is an important business tool that enables employees in the retail sector to turn their experiences into opinions and suggestions while in constant contact with customers. In particular, they can be a guide in campaigns to be organized for consumers with the data they have. Likewise, they can report this data.
Thanks to the mobile application of the Bilimp Suggestion Tool, they can quickly and easily convey their business ideas or suggestions to the company management. They can write their suggestions as well as record them as audio. Voice suggestions are automatically translated into text.
Employees can also make suggestions as a group.
The recommender can hide his/her identity in searches and evaluations. He/She can add his/her suggestions as drafts to the automatic recording and archive. He can present his detailed suggestions for the evaluation, comments and appreciation of the people he wants to get their ideas . The proposal can create a work/time plan, assign resources, attach additional files and photos.
The recommenders can check their score and the status of their suggestions.
On the other hand, the sense of belonging of the employees to the institution develops as they can communicate with the company management one-to-one thanks to the suggestion tool. This increases work quality and efficiency.